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on June 28, 2008 at 2:03:22 pm


Addictions information: designing the future



20th Elisad Annual Meeting

Torino, 9 - 11 October 2008



Location: Associazione Gruppo Abele

Fabbrica delle "E"

corso Trapani, 91 B

10141 Torino



Organiser: Centro Studi, Documentazione e Ricerche del Gruppo Abele



In addition to being - as usual - a privileged moment for training and studying, this year’s conference celebrates an anniversary of particular relevance to Elisad, the main aim of which is to enable those working in addictions information to exchange knowledge, ideas, and share experiences, in order to improve everybody’s knowledge and professional skills through networking, co-operation among members and promotion of joint planning skills.


In addition to Elisad members, the conference is open to all those – both Italians and foreigners – who, for their work or because they’re personally interested, want to study the subject of quality addictions information in detail, especially now, when the internet and the new technologies have deeply revolutionised information as a whole. The meeting is therefore of particular interest to all those working in public and private services, the staff of documentation centres and libraries, and professionals dealing with addictions information.

The subject of the meeting – Addictions information: designing the future - highlights Elisad association’s will to knowingly meet the challenges of the new millennium about disseminating information and new technologies.


The conference programme is still being drawn up, and the final version will only be ready in September (the traditional call for papers was issued at the middle of June). It will be structured into different sessions. The general guidelines are as follows:

1) Outline of the Italian socio-political situation about addictions

2) Contributions on psycho-social research and European projects

3) Contributions on the new available instruments for managing the information on the internet (social networking), about new innovative web resources.

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