

Page history last edited by PBworks 16 years, 6 months ago

1st Workshop



Do It Ourselves: social technologies for Information Retrieval


Websites, documents, presentations, wikis, specialised databases: how can we 
aggregate such diversified information sources? By the collaborative and 
interactive tools now provided by the Web. The workshop will focus on how to 
build IR applications aimed to  retrieve interesting content (independently 
from the original website) and how to use some 2.0 tools to maximise 
information reuse and dissemination.
Facilitator: Bonaria Biancu, a librarian and a technologist at the University of Milano-Bicocca 



2nd Workshop



Prevention 2.0 - Using new web techniques to integrate audiovisuals into training programs and for documentation archives in the area of addiction studies


Beginning with concrete examples of online archives and Web 2.0 resources, we will then propose some
possible methodologies for the development of educational modules and documentation practice. These
new technologies can take advantage of the potential of audiovisuals to express the individual and social
views in addiction research and study.


Facilitator: Michele Marangi, freelance media educator


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